The Three Most Powerful Beings In The World

Two of the most powerful beings in the world are spiritual, and the last is physical. For those who have faith in spiritual beings away from science, The Almighty Creator is equal to none. He is the author and finisher of all things. Whatever He decrees come to pass and it is through Him that all good things come. He will judge all people at the end of this life. I did not go to a theological school and so do not feel entitled to dwell on Him in this piece lest I stumble. Satan is the second most powerful spiritual being. He is adored by many, gives gift that are not free with conditions attached and asks people to pursue things that are not lost. We are told that he is the adversary of The Almighty Creator and is on a mission to get souls to languish with him for seven forever in Hades.

Who do you think the third most powerful being is? Certainly it is the president of any country. Were you born at a time when all traditional rulers in Nigeria found it fitting to say that the cap only fit a maximum ruler to run for elective office? Don’t kid yourself. Presidents are powerful.

Gerald Ford on his own terms pardoned Richard Nixon for Watergate scandal and any other crime arising from the fall out of Watergate in the future. Nobody prosecuted Ronald Reagan for Iran-Contra even though he was aware of the shady deal. George Bush his successor granted amnesty to some people who were indicted likewise. Presidents are powerful. I would have loved presidents in Nigeria to fight for all citizens especially law abiding citizens and all those who lack emotional stamina and financial resources to seek justice. If The Almighty Creator and Satan are powerful, why are not Nigerian presidents potent to provide strong presidential leadership, rousing collective efforts to change the country instead of allowing individual derring-do to do so? Heterodoxy however gainful is despised and democracy seems to be for a few, for conglomerates and captains of industries.

While countries like Egypt support a secular state, ours, is in words only. I am left to wonder which country in the world liberates her citizens by tenaciously setting down religious precepts over constitution. Why cannot any Nigerian president help change this human fashion with a presidential law?

On assumption of office, one president ordered the re-deployment of some staff members of the Police force from the homes of private persons. The pronouncement was highly praised for the reason that it would free these men to protect our lives, belongings and streets. Alas! Some Lords of the Manor who aren’t governmental persons still have more than the required number, with the status quo. How can any state assume that the citizens will bow to the will of state, if state does not bother to superintend and enforce rules enacted for growth of the body politic? Freedom to be and to do is not absolute in any event. The reality is that Nigerian presidents so far from antecedent are not ready for change. When people cross the Rubicon from love which is a human nature to kill innocent people which are now a human fashion as is being observed every day by herders, they need be told in a forceful way. There is no need for any president to temporize. If these people can engage in nefarious violence, then the state must also engage in righteous violence against them to make us safe. That is the duty of governmental people, is not it?

How can some cranks go fat on braggadocio, flaunting the devil-may-care resume?
One wishes, that the political class in Nigeria will strengthen party politics like it is done in the UK and the West where politics for them is an opportunity to solve problems and serve the people and not an opportunity to feed. In Nigeria, we hear nauseating clinch, vote out the infidel,” “na we oil,” “our son and brother,” “namu ne ko nasu,” literal translation (Hausa) for “are they ours or theirs?” etc. Where is the president to help change this tide? Democracy does not work in an environment where people seek office by broadcasting faulty concept of dogma. There are different types of leadership styles, not limited to affiliative, pacesetting, democratic, authoritative, collaborative, transformational etc. No one style is perfect for all time and so while a visionary leader tells his people, go in time of peace, he must resort to being autocratic by shouting marching orders when herdsmen go agog slaughtering people in specific regions.

We have settled for presidents in Nigeria who have elected to be solicitors at all times churning out phantomlike compositions with their aides on security. I call their bluff. We should be thankful to a large degree that Boko Haram is a script by some negative deviants from Kanuri land that the Hausa/Fulani refused to act on. Otherwise, presidents wouldn’t have had the latitude to be championing a call for dialogue as a means to an end because the whole country would have been consumed. I love dialogue that doesn’t usurp the power of the state because no person or group should be above the state. Militarily, dialogue continues before wars, during and after. Nigeria’s leaders need to focus more on appreciating her citizens, be pro-actively-accountable to their needs, that way insurrection might be defeated. This is important because we are currently suffering from the consequences of sluggishness and as always, we are a country of solicitors.

I am not deceived by the wiles of Satan to think a president is all-knowing and too powerful before he becomes president. But once he becomes president, he is the third most powerful being especially if he has a clear policy content and with the armed forces as the instrument of that policy.

The presidency is not only the envy of many, but the dream of multitudes and the office holder has a duty to make the life of the less privileged tolerable in Nigeria because they bear the burden of failed leadership and not to protect self, family members and cronies. I am knocked for a six. Why wouldn’t I, finding work is a luxury for many, the level of corruption is systemic, and this crisis of unstoppable killings has been matched with words only and may give rise to another level of insurgency like wild fire, if not well managed.
• Abah wrote from Abuja.

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